What are your resonsibilities as a homeowner?

    understand the process
  1. Understand the process
    by reading this brochure or visiting our web site for more information.
  2. understand the process
  3. Report any changes or discrepancies to your auditor since your last valuation.
  4. understand the process
  5. Provide feedback to your auditor about your valuation to ensure its accuracy.

How does valuation impact my taxes?

Due to recent levies now taking effect, property owners may notice changes in their bill from last year.

There are two components that make up a property tax bill:

  1. The first component includes the various tax rates, which are set by taxing authorities, such as school districts, park districts, townships, villages and city councils.
  2. The second component is the assessed value of one's property.

A third component may include special assessments submitted from municipalities, townships
and counties.

Feedback ยป

understanding process

Giving your auditor feedback is important.

Learn more here »